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Surgical management of a laryngeal rhabdomyosarcoma in a cat

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Constantino-Casas, Fernando 
Owen, Laura Jane 


Case summary: An 11-year-old male castrated British Shorthair was referred for investigations into an upper respiratory tract mass. A partial laryngectomy was performed to excise the mass. Marginal resection of the mass involved excision of parts of the thyroid cartilage and left arytenoid cartilage. A tracheostomy tube was maintained for 48 h postoperatively. The cat recovered without complication and was discharged at 72 h postoperatively. Histopathology of the mass was deemed most consistent with a rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS). Relevance and novel information: Telephone follow-up 12 months postoperatively confirmed resolution of the clinical signs. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a laryngeal RMS in a cat. RMS should be considered a differential diagnosis for a laryngeal mass in a cat. This case demonstrates that resection via a partial laryngectomy may be a viable therapeutic option.


Peer reviewed: True


rhabdomyosarcoma, partial laryngectomy, Laryngeal mass, larynx

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