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Summersfield, Papworth Everard. An Archaeological Watching Brief.

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Patten, Ricky 


Between 23rd and 31st of January 2014 a program of archaeological monitoring and recording was undertaken alongside the construction of a new access road for a housing development at Summersfield and the Papworth Trust, at Papworth Everard, Cambridgeshire (NGR 528650 262730). The site was situated alongside Ermine Street, the supposed route of a Roman Road, and within close proximity to a Romano-British Farmstead. The site was previously occupied by a car park, which had replaced an earlier building constructed on a terrace alongside the road, and as a result the area had been heavily truncated. Two pits and a large amorphous feature of post-Medieval date were recorded. The large amorphous feature was a probable pond recorded in the immediate area on a 1880s map. The two pits may have been associated with St. Johns Hostel.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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