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Langwood Farm, Chatteris: An Archaeological Desktop Assessment

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Dickens, Alison 


The study reviewed the known archaeological record of the area around Langwood Farm West, Chatteris, supplementing the findings of the Fenland Survey with details from fieldwalking and trench investigations carried outby the CAU in 1993. The proposed development site sits within a n extensive area of dense archaeology dating to several periods, principally Bronze Age , Iron Age and Romano British, but which also has both earlier and later elements within it. The record indicates a high potential for archaeology within the proposed development area, but that, at least as far as the Bronze Age is concerned, this is unlikely to be settlement related. The later period,(Iron Age and Romano-British) has little evidence from the site itself, but there are large and important sites particularly to the northwest and the north. In addition the development area's fen edge position in this period could potentially contribute valuable environmental data.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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