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Bayesian machine learning for the prognosis of combustion instabilities from noise

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Rasmussen, CE 
Juniper, MP 


jats:titleAbstract</jats:title> jats:pExperiments are performed on a turbulent swirling flame placed inside a vertical tube whose fundamental acoustic mode becomes unstable at higher powers and equivalence ratios. The power, equivalence ratio, fuel composition and boundary condition of this tube are varied and, at each operating point, the combustion noise is recorded. In addition, short acoustic pulses at the fundamental frequency are supplied to the tube with a loudspeaker and the decay rates of subsequent acoustic oscillations are measured. This quantifies the linear stability of the system at every operating point. Using this data for training, we show that it is possible for a Bayesian ensemble of neural networks to predict the decay rate from a 300 millisecond sample of the (un-pulsed) combustion noise and therefore forecast impending thermoacoustic instabilities. We also show that it is possible to recover the equivalence ratio and power of the flame from these noise snippets, confirming our hypothesis that combustion noise indeed provides a fingerprint of the combustor’s internal state. Furthermore, the Bayesian nature of our algorithm enables principled estimates of uncertainty in our predictions, a reassuring feature that prevents it from making overconfident extrapolations. We use the techniques of permutation importance and integrated gradients to understand which features in the combustion noise spectra are crucial for accurate predictions and how they might influence the prediction. This study serves as a first step towards establishing interpretable and Bayesian machine learning techniques as tools to discover informative relationships in combustor data and thereby build trustworthy, robust and reliable combustion diagnostics.</jats:p>



40 Engineering, 4017 Mechanical Engineering, 4002 Automotive Engineering, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Bioengineering

Journal Title

Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo

Conference Name

ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition

Journal ISSN

Volume Title



American Society of Mechanical Engineers


All rights reserved
European Commission Horizon 2020 (H2020) Marie Sk?odowska-Curie actions (766264)
European Union
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