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Land at 11 - 15 Main Street, Little Thetford, Cambridgeshire. An Archaeological Evaluation

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Tabor, Jonathon 


A trial trench based archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) on land to the rear of 11-15 Main Street, Little Thetford, Cambridgeshrie (TL 5324 7632) between 26th April and 3rd May 2016. Archaeological remains comprised a series of ditches and probable quarry pits, largely dating to the period from the 12th to 15th centuries. Two main phases of medieval activity were recorded, with a third potentially represented by late medieval quarrying in the south-east of the site. The ditches appear to relate to former plot boundaries and internal plot divisions probably associated with contemporary properties located on Main Street. Having said that, no direct evidence of buildings associated with these properties was recorded at the site. A deposit of brick, tile and dressed building stone fragments was recovered from one quarry although there was no evidence within the excavated trenches to suggest that this material derives from structures within the development area, indeed fragments of dressed Barnack stone, for example, most likely derived from the nearby Church of St. George.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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