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North West Cambridge Archaeology. University of Cambridge. 2013-14 Excavations. Sites II Central, IV North & VII. (NWC Report No. 7)

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North West Cambridge development (Sites II east, IV north and VII). During 2014 three small investigations were undertaken at Romano-British sites in advance of the North West Cambridge development (Sites II east, IV north and VII). All three investigations are essentially adjuncts to earlier excavations, either during the 2009 evaluation (Site IV) or the 2012-13 excavations (Sites II east and IV north). The 2014 investigations at Site II east improved the understanding of settlement RB.1; in particular they allowed the full plan of the core of the site to be exposed and identified a more probable location for the main structure of the settlement. The 2014 investigations at Site IV north allowed two significant ditches associated with Site RB.2A to be traced for a considerable further distance and revealed a number of additional features, including a well with a large artefactual assemblage. The 2014 investigations at Site VII clarified the stratigraphy of a significant ditch previously investigated during the evaluation phase. The assemblages of material associated with a putative high status Mid-Late Romano-British rural settlement were significantly increased, clarifying the nature of the buildings at the settlement. The dating of the deposition of the bulk of this material, associated with a major phase of modification/repair to high status buildings, which had previously been dated to the late 3rd or early 4th century AD occurred no earlier than 364AD.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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