Research data supporting: "Electrolyte-gated organic field-effect transistors with high operational stability and lifetime in practical electrolytes"
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This repository entry contains research data supporting "Electrolyte-gated organic field-effect transistors with high operational stability and lifetime in practical electrolytes".
Electrolyte-gated field-effect transistor (EG-OFET) and organic field-effect transistor (OFET) data:
The “Origin project files” folder contains mostly organic field effect transistor (OFET) and electrolyte-gated organic field-effect transistor (EG-OFET) data (I-V and I-time curves). The OFETs and EG-OFETs were electrically characterized in ambient conditions using an Agilent 4156C Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer (SPA) with high resolution source-meter units and a current resolution of 1 fA. We measured in continuous mode with a long integration time of 0.04 sec. The Origin scripts used to analyze the I-V and I-time curves can be found in the OE-FET GitHub repository. OriginLab Origin Pro is required to view the processed data in the "Origin project files" folder, as well as to run the Origin scripts for the analysis of the transistor I-V and I-time curves. The .csv files are contained inside the Origin project files.
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) data:
The "FTIR" Origin project file contains the FTIR spectra used in the publication. The FTIR spectra were collected in transmission geometry on a Bruker Vertex 70v under vacuum (<2 mbar) using a wide-range DLaTGS detector. Instrument resolution was set to 4 cm-1, and scan rate of 2.5 kHz and 5 mm aperture was used. The FTIR spectra were exported to csv files from OPUS. They were filtered to remove etalon reflections from the substrate using a finite impulse response bandstop filter comb generated by the MATLAB Filter Designer package. They were then plotted with Origin.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data:
The "XPS" Origin project file contains the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data used in the publication. The XPS analysis was carried out using an Escalab 250XI spectrometer from Thermo Fisher Scientific (West Sussex, UK). The instrument was operating in constant analyzer energy mode. A monochromatic Al-Kα source (1486.74 eV) and a flood gun for charge neutralization were used. Narrow scans were recorded using a 500 μm spot size, a pass energy of 30 eV, a step size of 0.05 eV, and a dwell time of 50 ms. For the depth profiling, an Ar+ gun operating at 3000 eV and high current mode was used. The raster area was 1.5 mm. The CASA XPS software was used to get the quantification of each element.
This folder contains the CAD design files used in this publication. They were designed using AutoCAD Inventor. The “Advanced Microfluidics SPM OEM pump casing” folder contains the CAD design files for the casing of the SPM OEM pump. The “Clamp” folder contains the CAD design files for the PMMA clamp used to clamp the EG-OFET.
Sensitivity, LOD, LOQ calculations:
This file contains the sensitivity, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantification (LOQ) calculations for Figure S26.
Stability metrics:
This file contains the calculations for the stability metrics shown in Table S1. These calculations are derived from the data shown in Figure 4.
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European Commission Horizon 2020 (H2020) ERC (101020872)
Royal Society (RP\R1\201082)