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The Pitsford Resilience Scheme, Wilby, Northamptonshire. Archaeological strip, map and sample results.

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Tabor, Jonathon 


An archaeological Strip, Map and Sample investigation was undertaken by Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) at the Wilby Valve site in April 2012. The investigation was undertaken during groundworks prior to the construction of an access road and booster pumping station as part of the Pitsford Resilience Scheme. Archaeological features encountered during the investigation were limited to the remains of medieval ridge and furrow cultivation in the south and east of the development site. A small assemblage of artefacts was recovered from topsoil and upper subsoil layers and largely comprises post-medieval material although one abraded sherd of 13th-15th century pottery, which may be broadly contemporary with the ridge and furrow cultivation, was recovered. No evidence of later prehistoric activity associated with the possible settlement to the south and east of the development site was recorded.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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