Intellectual property rights and University of Cambridge: Focus on patents and commercialisation.
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Jennings, Richard
In this presentation, Richard Jennings (Cambridge Enteprise) provides an overview of the University of Cambridge IPR policy and how it pertains to research. Dr. Jennings also discussed the role of Cambridge Enterprise and the relationship between IPR and commercialisation at the Univeristy.
This presentation was recorded at a seminar at the University of Cambridge, co-coordinated by the Cambridge University Library's Incremental project and the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities' (CRASSH) Digital Humanities initiative. Glenn Jobson (CRASSH) produced and edited this video in collaboration with the Incremental project.
Patents, Cambridge Enterprise, Intellectual Property Rights, Data Management
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This work was created by the Incremental project, which was supported by JISC through the Research Data Management Programme.