Dataset for: Moving beyond simulation: data-driven quantitative photoacoustic imaging using tissue-mimicking phantoms
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Please refer to the paper, its supplemental materials, and the cited references for a full view on the experimental designs with which the data sets were acquired.
In short, this data set comprises photoacoustic imaging data of tissue mimicking material objects, of a blood flow phantom, and of mice. Furthermore, the data contain the weights of the trained models that can be loaded into pytorch and used to estimate optical absorption coefficients.
Software / Usage instructions
### Phantom Data
The phantom data naming convention is P.BATCH.PHANTOM_WAVELENGTH, clearly identifying each phantom and wavelength.
The .npz files are zip folders containing numpy arrays and contain 2D arrays with 288x288 pixels with the following data:
- **features**
- PA images of experimentally acquired data, reconstructed with the time reversal algorithm
- **features_das**
- PA images of experimentally acquired data, reconstructed with the delay-and-sum algorithm,
which can be understood as a discrete implementation of the universal backprojection
- **features_sim**
- PA images of simulated data, reconstructed with the delay-and-sum algorithm,
which can be understood as a discrete implementation of the universal backprojection
- **fluence**
- A map of the light fluence based on a Monte Carlo model of a digital representation
of the used PA device and the optical properties detailed below
- **mua**
- A map of the optical absorption coefficient distribution inside the tissue-mimicking material
- **musp**
- A map of the reduced optical scattering coefficient distribution inside the tissue-mimicking material.
We assume an anisotropy of g=0.7
- **segmentation**
- A segmentation mask of the different regions of the phantom.
0 = Background coupling medium (water)
1 = Phantom base material
2+ = Instance segmentations of each inclusion in the phantom (N=0-4)
To load the data, simply call:
import numpy as np
data = np.load("path/to/npz_file.npz")
experiment = data["features_das"]
simulation = data["features_sim"]
### Flow Phantom Data
The flow phantom data are comprised of two file types: the segmentation mask (Scan13_0-labels.nrrd), and the
photoacoustic measurement data at different time steps (Scan13_XXX.npz).
The segmentation mask is a nrrd file that can be read with the pynrrd library and contains a 288x288 pixels
segmentation mask with the following labels being assigned: 1 = coupling medium (water); 3 = phantom; 4 = blood tube inside the phantom.
The photoacoustic measurement data contain only a single "data" field which is a (16, 288, 288) numpy array,
corresponding to 16 measurements at different wavelengths:
[660, 680, 700, 720, 740, 760, 780, 800, 820, 840, 860, 880, 900, 920, 940, 960] nm.
These data can be loaded analogously to the phantom data, keeping in mind that only the "data" array exists.
### Mouse Data
Analogous to the flow phantom data, the mouse data are segmentation mask / photoacoustic measurement data pairs.
The following label assignments were made:
1 = coupling medium (water)
2 = mouse body
3 = spleen
4 = kidney
5 = spine
6 = aorta
The photoacoustic data "data" are numpy array of shape (10, 288, 288), corresponding to the ten acquisition
wavelengths [700, 730, 750, 760, 770, 800, 820, 840, 850, 880] nm.
These data can be loaded analogously to the phantom data, keeping in mind that only the "data" array exists.
## Loading the model parameters into our U-Net implementation
import torch
from utils.networks import RegressionUNet
# TODO define BASE_PATH and fold
device = torch.device("cpu")
model = RegressionUNet(out_channels=2)
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{BASE_PATH}{fold}/", map_location="cpu"))
deep learning, image reconstruction, photoacoustic imaging, quantitative imaging
Cancer Research UK (C14303/A17197)
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) (unknown)
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) (unknown)
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) (unknown)
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) (unknown)
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) (unknown)
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) (unknown)