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Elizabeth House, Chesterton, Cambridge. An Archaeological Evaluation



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Patten, Ricky 


From 10th to 14th March 2014 an archaeological evaluation was undertaken at Elizabeth House, 1 High Street, Chesterton, Cambridge (centred on TL 460 598) extending over c. 1.02ha. The work was commissioned by Savills on behalf of ZVI Construction Co. LLC in response to a request from the Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Team (CHET). The evaluation was undertaken within an active car park and revealed evidence of post-Medieval activity. Three discrete features were recorded within Trench 4, these were pits two of which contained the remains of pigs that appeared to have been covered with lime or a similar substance. These were most likely dated to the early 20th century when the site comprised allotments. Evidence for quarrying was identified in four of the trenches and appears on OS maps of the same period. Of more recent date were the remains of part of a building identified in Trench 3, and would have been attached to Elizabeth House, demolished sometime towards the end of the 20th century.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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