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Direct measurement of the spin gaps in a gated GaAs two-dimensional electron gas.

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Huang, Tsai-Yu 
Liang, Chi-Te 
Chen, Yang Fang 
Simmons, Michelle Y 
Kim, Gil-Ho 


We have performed magnetotransport measurements on gated GaAs two-dimensional electron gases in which electrons are confined in a layer of the nanoscale. From the slopes of a pair of spin-split Landau levels (LLs) in the energy-magnetic field plane, we can perform direct measurements of the spin gap for different LLs. The measured g-factor g is greatly enhanced over its bulk value in GaAs (0.44) due to electron-electron (e-e) interactions. Our results suggest that both the spin gap and g determined from conventional activation energy studies can be very different from those obtained by direct measurements.



Spin, g-factor, Disorder

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Nanoscale Res Lett

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Springer Science and Business Media LLC