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Novel flaviviruses from mosquitoes: mosquito-specific evolutionary lineages within the phylogenetic group of mosquito-borne flaviviruses.

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Huhtamo, Eili 
Cook, Shelley 
Moureau, Gregory 
Uzcátegui, Nathalie Y 
Sironen, Tarja 


Novel flaviviruses that are genetically related to pathogenic mosquito-borne flaviviruses (MBFV) have been isolated from mosquitoes in various geographical locations, including Finland. We isolated and characterized another novel virus of this group from Finnish mosquitoes collected in 2007, designated as Ilomantsi virus (ILOV). Unlike the MBFV that infect both vertebrates and mosquitoes, the MBFV-related viruses appear to be specific to mosquitoes similar to the insect-specific flaviviruses (ISFs). In this overview of MBFV-related viruses we conclude that they differ from the ISFs genetically and antigenically. Phylogenetic analyses separated the MBFV-related viruses isolated in Africa, the Middle East and South America from those isolated in Europe and Asia. Serological cross-reactions of MBFV-related viruses with other flaviviruses and their potential for vector-borne transmission require further characterization. The divergent MBFV-related viruses are probably significantly under sampled to date and provide new information on the variety, properties and evolution of vector-borne flaviviruses.



Complete genome, Flavivirus, Isolate, Mosquito, Phylogenetic analysis, Africa, Animals, Base Sequence, Culicidae, Evolution, Molecular, Female, Flavivirus, Flavivirus Infections, Humans, Insect Vectors, Male, Molecular Sequence Data, Phylogeny

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Elsevier BV
Wellcome Trust (088789/Z/09/Z)
This study was supported by grants from the Academy of Finland, Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, Biomedicum Helsinki Foundation, Emil Aaltonen foundation, and HUSLAB. AEF is supported by a grant 088789 and SC by a grant 039833 from the Wellcome Trust. EAG is supported by grants from the EU 7th Framework SILVER and PREDEMICS grant agreement numbers 260644 and 278433.