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Research data supporting "Strain Data for Manufacture of Concrete TY Beam BM2 for Bridge UB11 - ME01 Project"

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Butler, Liam 
Elshafie, Mohammed 


Strain data collected during the manufacture of a prestressed concrete TY beam, BM2, for a single span rail-over-water bridge, UB11. The data was collected from 22/01/2015 - 29/01/2015 at Explore Manufacturing, Worksop, UK. The data was collected for the ME01 project being carried out in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. The ME01 project is a fibre optic instrumentation and dynamic monitoring programme at Norton Bridge, UK, part of the Stafford Area Improvements Programme (Staffordshire Alliance).

This data supports a publication "Monitoring the early age behaviour of prestressed concrete beams using fibre optic sensors", which will be published in Proceedings of the 16th European Bridge Conference.

This data is embargoed until publication. This record will be updated.


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fibre optic strain monitoring, prestressed concrete, early age behaviour of concrete


University of Cambridge
This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/L010917/1] and by Innovate UK. EPSRC Innovate UK