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New directions for warehousing data management research: Extensions to an existing review: Special session on 'Emerging technologies in logistics'

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Yilmaz, G 
Giannikas, V 
Lu, W 


Existing research has conducted reviews of warehousing research and has suggested potential important areas for future work. In this paper we focus on warehousing data management-related issues and augment the findings from a recent review of warehousing research to suggest new areas of future work. To determine these potential areas we visited a large, national warehousing organisation and observed their warehouses, operations, and information systems. We compared our findings against the recommendations from an academic review, and identified five new areas of important future research.



46 Information and Computing Sciences, 4609 Information Systems, 35 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services

Journal Title

Proceeding - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2015

Conference Name

2015 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)

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