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Quasi-combinatorial energy landscapes for nanoalloy structure optimisation.

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Schebarchov, D 
Wales, DJ 


We formulate nanoalloy structure prediction as a mixed-variable optimisation problem, where the homotops can be associated with an effective, quasi-combinatorial energy landscape in permutation space. We survey this effective landscape for a representative set of binary systems modelled by the Gupta potential. In segregating systems with small lattice mismatch, we find that homotops have a relatively straightforward landscape with few local optima - a scenario well-suited for local (combinatorial) optimisation techniques that scale quadratically with system size. Combining these techniques with multiple local-neighbourhood structures yields a search for multiminima, and we demonstrate that generalised basin-hopping with a metropolis acceptance criterion in the space of multiminima can then be effective for global optimisation of binary and ternary nanoalloys.



0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing

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Phys Chem Chem Phys

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Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/J010847/1)
This work was financially supported by EPSRC Grant No. EP/J010847/1 and the ERC.