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Genes implicated in stem cell identity and temporal programme are directly targeted by Notch in neuroblast tumours.

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Zacharioudaki, Evanthia 
Housden, Benjamin E 
Garinis, George 
Stojnic, Robert 
Delidakis, Christos 


Notch signalling is involved in a multitude of developmental decisions and its aberrant activation is linked to many diseases, including cancers. One example is the neural stem cell tumours that arise from constitutive Notch activity in Drosophila neuroblasts. To investigate how hyperactivation of Notch in larval neuroblasts leads to tumours, we combined results from profiling the upregulated mRNAs and mapping the regions bound by the core Notch pathway transcription factor Su(H). This identified 246 putative direct Notch targets. These genes were highly enriched for transcription factors and overlapped significantly with a previously identified regulatory programme dependent on the proneural transcription factor Asense. Included were genes associated with the neuroblast maintenance and self-renewal programme that we validated as Notch regulated in vivo. Another group were the so-called temporal transcription factors, which have been implicated in neuroblast maturation. Normally expressed in specific time windows, several temporal transcription factors were ectopically expressed in the stem cell tumours, suggesting that Notch had reprogrammed their normal temporal regulation. Indeed, the Notch-induced hyperplasia was reduced by mutations affecting two of the temporal factors, which, conversely, were sufficient to induce mild hyperplasia on their own. Altogether, the results suggest that Notch induces neuroblast tumours by directly promoting the expression of genes that contribute to stem cell identity and by reprogramming the expression of factors that could regulate maturity.



Drosophila, Gene regulation, Neuroblast, Notch, Stem cell, Animals, Drosophila, Drosophila Proteins, Drosophila melanogaster, Neural Stem Cells, Receptors, Notch, Transcription Factors

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The Company of Biologists
Medical Research Council (G0800034)
Medical Research Council (MR/L007177/1)
The authors thank George Papagiannakis for microarray hybridizations, Bettina Fischer (FlyChip) for help with genome wide data processing, Leila Muresan (CAIC) for image data analysis and Electra Vitsakis and Ioannis Livadaras for help with NRE reporter constructs. We also thank Hadi Boukhatmi for comments on the manuscript and other members of the Bray and Delidakis labs for valuable discussions. We acknowledge A.Gould, F.Casares, R.Carthew, S.Thor, W.Odenwald, Y.Hiromi, E.Giniger, A.Salzberg, the Bloomington Stock Center, the DGRC Kyoto Stock Center, the VDRC Stock Center, and the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank for flies and antibodies. This work was supported by MRC Programme grants to SJB [G0800034; MR/L007177/1] and by scholarships to E.Z. from Thanassis and Marina Martinos and from the “Herakleitos” operational programme for Education and Lifelong Learning cofinanced by Greece and the European Union (NSRF 2007-2013).