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Research data supporting "Engineering Molecular Ligand Shells on Quantum Dots for Quantitative Harvesting of Triplet Excitons Generated by Singlet Fission"

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Thampi, arya 
Dowland, Simon 
Xiao, James 
Gray, Victor 


This dataset consists of graphical and tabular data in an Origin file format. The file includes UV-Vis absorption, PLQE, kinetic modelling, transient PL and absorption, steady-state PL and excitation spectra and magnetic field dependent PL measurement data and analysis. Further information about the data collection methods and analysis is available via the journal JACS, at 10.1021/jacs.9b06584.

The Origin file "Analysis.opju" contains the data for all plots presented in the paper and SI titled "Engineering Molecular Ligand Shells on Quantum Dots for Quantitative Harvesting of Triplet Excitons Generated by Singlet Fission", along with additional data surrounding the analysis of the presented data.

The file is separated into folders sorted by experiment.

Figures used in the paper are prefixed with either "Main Fig" or "SI" followed by a brief description of the figure.


Software / Usage instructions

These datafiles can be opened using Origin 2018 or later


Singlet Fission, Triplet Exciton Transfer, Quantum Dot


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/M006360/1)
European Research Council (758826)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P027741/1)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/N509929/1)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/M024873/1)