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SemEval-2020 Task 2: Predicting Multilingual and Cross-Lingual (Graded) Lexical Entailment

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Glavas, Goran 
Vulic, Ivan 
Korhonen, Anna 
Ponzetto, Simone Paolo 


Lexical entailment (LE) is a fundamental asymmetric lexico-semantic relation, supporting the hierarchies in lexical resources (e.g., WordNet, ConceptNet) and applications like natural language inference and taxonomy induction. Multilingual and cross-lingual NLP applications warrant models for LE detection that go beyond language boundaries. As part of SemEval 2020, we carried out a shared task (Task 2) on multilingual and cross-lingual LE. The shared task spans three dimensions: (1) monolingual LE in multiple languages versus cross-lingual LE, (2) binary versus graded LE, and (3) a set of 6 diverse languages (and 15 corresponding language pairs). We offered two different evaluation tracks: (a) distributional (Dist): for unsupervised, fully distributional models that capture LE solely on the basis of unannotated corpora, and (b)Any: for externally informed models, allowed to leverage any resources, including lexico-semantic networks (e.g.,WordNet or BabelNet). In the Any track, we received system runs that push state-of-the-art across all languages and language pairs, for both binary LE detection and graded LE prediction.



Journal Title

Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2020)

Conference Name

14th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2020)

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International Committee for Computational Linguistics
European Research Council (648909)