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Balanced Allocations: Caching and Packing, Twinning and Thinning

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Los, Dimitrios 
Sauerwald, Thomas 
Sylvester, John 


We consider the sequential allocation of m balls (jobs) into n bins (servers) by allowing each ball to choose from some bins sampled uniformly at random. The goal is to maintain a small gap between the maximum load and the average load.

In this paper, we present a general framework that allows us to analyze various allocation processes that slightly prefer allocating into underloaded, as opposed to overloaded bins. Our analysis covers several natural instances of processes, including:

The Caching process (a.k.a. memory protocol) as studied by Mitzenmacher, Prabhakar and Shah (2002).

The Packing process: At each round we only take one bin sample. If the load is below some threshold (e.g., the average load), then we place as many balls until the threshold is reached; otherwise, we place only one ball.

The Twinning process: At each round, we only take one bin sample. If the load is below some threshold, then we place two balls; otherwise, we place only one ball.

The Thinning process as recently studied by Feldheim and Gurel-Gurevich (2021).

As we demonstrate, using an interplay between several potential functions our general framework implies for all these processes a gap of O(log n) for any number of balls m ≥ n.



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Proceedings of the 2022 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)

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Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
European Research Council (679660)
Thomas Sauerwald was supported by the ERC Starting Grant 679660 (DYNAMIC MARCH)