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Bearscroft Farm, Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire. An Archaeological Excavation

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Patten, Ricky 


An archaeological excavation was undertaken at Bearscroft Farm, Godmanchester, comprising three areas. Area 1 revealed evidence for a Roman enclosure and associated pits that continued beyond the site. Area 2 was divided into two, Areas 2a and 2b. Within Area 2a Neolithic activity was evidenced as a series of pits. A Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age pit alignment extended northwest towards a known Neolithic complex at Rectory Farm, and a second northeast boundary ditch continued into the Late Iron Age/Early Roman period. At the juncture of the two boundaries was the remains of a Middle Iron Age settlement comprising ring-gullies, circular post-built structures, a post-built rectangular structure, and four-post structures. This settlement was broadly contemporary with Middle to Late Iron Age activity recorded in Area 2b. This comprised an initial phase of 'banjo-like' enclosures on the clay slope that developed into a series of interconnected, 'organic' enclosures. A Late Iron Age/Early Roman farmstead was recorded comprising a series of sub-rectangular enclosures of two different phases of activity. Associated with it were five burials, one associated with a dog and the remains of a horse, and the second facedown. A Saxon settlement recorded at the Cardinal Distribution Park continued into Area 2a with three Sunken Featured Buildings and a post-build structure recorded.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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