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Bearcroft Farm, Godmanchester: An Archaeological Desktop Assessment.

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Appleby, Grahame 


This archaeological desktop assessment was commissioned by ENVIRON to assess the likely impact of development of a 38ha site (divided into three parcels, identified as Bear’s Croft, Judith’s Field and Area NW) centred on NGR TL 2540 6980. Evaluation of the archaeological, historical, aerial and cartographic evidence shows the proposed development areas (PDAs) to be located on the eastern edge of Godmanchester in an area of known prehistoric, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and post-Medieval activity. Evidence of earlier human activity dating from the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods is attested immediately adjacent to the western PDA, and the A14 is assumed to adhere to a Roman road, the Via Devanna, and the A1198 to Ermine Street, alongside which have been discovered inhumation and cremation cemeteries and road-side settlements.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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