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Research data supporting "Fundamental insight into the effect of carbodiimide crosslinking on cellular recognition of collagen-based scaffolds"

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Bax, DV 
Davidenko, N 
Gulberg, D 
Hamaia, SW 
Farndale, RW 


Excel work book containing 11 spread sheets labeled figure 1, figure 2, figure 3, figure 4, figure 5, figure 6, figure 7, figure 8, figure 9, figure 10 and figure 11. Spread sheet 'figure 1' contains the absorbance values obtained on a plate reader from a platelet adhesion assay to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. Spread sheet 'figure 2' contains 3 data sets. A) absorbance values obtained on a plate reader from a HT1080 cell adhesion assay to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. B) cell counts for a HT1080 cell spreading assay to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. C) representative phase contrast micrographs of HT1080 cells spreading onto collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. Spread sheet 'figure 3' contains 2 data sets. A) absorbance values obtained on a plate reader from a HT1080 cell adhesion assay conducted in PBS in the absence of cations or with added 2mM MgCl2 or CaCl2 B) absorbance values obtained on a plate reader from a HT1080 cell adhesion assay conducted in PBS with added MgCl2 or CaCl2 Spread sheet 'figure 4' contains 3 data sets. A) absorbance values obtained on a plate reader from a Rugli cell adhesion assay to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. B) cell counts for a Rugli cell spreading assay to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. C) representative phase contrast micrographs of Rugli cells spreading onto collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC Spread sheet 'figure 5' contains 4 data sets. A) absorbance values obtained on a plate reader from a purified alpha 1 I domain adhesion assay to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. B) calculations of the Mg dependent adhesion of purified alpha 1 I domain binding to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. C) absorbance values obtained on a plate reader from a purified alpha 2 I domain adhesion assay to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. D) calculations of the Mg dependent adhesion of purified alpha 2 I domain binding to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. Spread sheet 'figure 6' contains 4 data sets of the absorbance values obtained on a plate reader from A) non-transfected C2C12 cell, B) alpha 2 transfected C2C12 cell, C) alpha 10 transfected C2C12 cell and D) alpha 11 transfected C2C12 cell adhesion assays to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. Spread sheet 'figure 7' contains 3 data sets of the cell counts obtained by manually scoring phase contrast micrographs of A) non-transfected C2C12 cell, B) alpha 2 transfected C2C12 cell and C) alpha 10 transfected C2C12 cell spreading on to collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. Spread sheet 'figure 8' contains 4 data sets of the correlations between the number of free amine groups and the Mg dependent A) HT1080 cell, B) alpha 2 transfected C2C12 cell, C) alpha 10 transfected C2C12 cell and D) alpha 11 transfected C2C12 cell adhesion to collagen films. Spread sheet 'figure 9' contains 2 data sets. A) representative fluorescent and bright field images of AnnexinV-FITC stained HT1080 cells on collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. B) counts of AnnexinV-FITC positive and total cell numbers of HT1080 cells on collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC. Spread sheet 'figure 10' contains 2 data sets. A) Cell number manually counted from phase contrast images of HT1080 cells cultured on collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC for 1,2,3 or 5 days. Representative micrographs are shown. B) measurement of the surface area coved by cells using Image J. The measurement is converted into microns square. The HT1080 cells were cultured on collagen films crosslinked with increasing % of NHS/EDC for 5 days prior to measurement. Spread sheet 'figure 11' contains a confocal micrograph of rhodmaine-phalloidin stained HT1080 cells on a collagen film with restricted 200% NHS/EDC crosslinking. The image was generated by compressing a Z stack into a single image.


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cell adhesion, collagen-based materials, EDC crosslinking


British Heart Foundation (SP/15/7/31561)
British Heart Foundation (RG/15/4/31268)
European Research Council (320598)
European Commission (624904)
British Heart Foundation (None)
British Heart Foundation (None)