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Maternal mental health and economic autonomy in lowland rural Nepal

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Marphatia, Akanksha A 
Busert-Sebela, Laura K 
Gram, Lu 
Cortina-Borja, Mario 
Reid, Alice M 


Lay Summary: We analysed associations of household composition with maternal mental health and economic autonomy in rural lowland Nepal. Parents-in-law broadly benefitted maternal mental health but reduced autonomy, whereas husbands promoted autonomy but worsened mental health. The presence of genetically unrelated individuals in the household impacts maternal mental health through pathways of both support and constraint.


Acknowledgements: We are grateful to the women and their families for participating in the trial. We thank staff from the Mother and Infant Research Activities (MIRA, Nepal) for data collection, and the UCL Institute for Global Health for their support.


kin dynamics, parents-in-law, household residence, maternal mental health, rural Nepal, autonomy

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Oxford University Press
National Institute for Health Research (RPG-2017-264)