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Research data supporting "Cartilage-like electrostatic stiffening of responsive cryogel scaffolds

Change log


Offeddu, GS 
Jeggle, P 
Henderson, RM 
Smoukov, SK 


The following data files are provided: Summary of results: numerical values used to plot each figure in the manuscript, as well as values used to calculate each parameter when applicable. Raw macroindentation and microindentation data: the load vs. time curves obtained by spherical indentation on a universal testing machine and on an AFM. Confocal data: contains representative confocal datasets, presented as .lsm files, for each physical cryogel sample in the neutral and activated states. READ ME: A word document describing each file and its contents.


Software / Usage instructions

All macroindentation curves can be opened using Microsoft Excel or similar software. All microindentation curves may be opened using AFM-analysis software (e.g. AtomicJ, for which details are available at: Confocal images may be opened using the FIJI version of ImageJ, available at:


Indentation, Cellular scaffold, Polyelectrolytes


EPSRC (1208951)
European Research Council (280078)
Kidney Research UK (RP17/2012)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/J018236/1)