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Research data supporting 'N-type ohmic contacts to undoped GaAs/ AlGaAs quantum wells using only front-sided processing: application to ambipolar FETs'

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Taneja, D. 
Sfigakis, F. 
Croxall, A.F. 
Das Gupta, K. 
Narayan, V. 


Scanning electron microscope images of pits etched in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure samples prior to deposition of ohmic contact metal, and low-temperature electrical transport data for an ambipolar field-effect transistor fabricated using a new recipe for making n-type ohmic contacts to two-dimensional electron gases in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs structures. The data supports the Semiconductor Science and Technology article, 'N-type ohmic contacts to undoped GaAs/ AlGaAs quantum wells using only front-sided processing: application to ambipolar FETs.' The data were collected at the Cavendish Laboratory, University if Cambridge, in the period January 2011 to September 2016.

This record is licensed under a EPSRC license [grant numbers EP/H017720/1 & EP/J003417/1], St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge; Trinity College and Cambridge; Toshiba Research Europe Limited.


Software / Usage instructions

Data are contained in a .zip archive. Within this archive, there are images in .tiff format, a .xlsx spreadsheet (readable using free software such as Google Sheets and Open Office, as well as Microsoft Office Excel), and a .pdf file providing information about the images.


undoped, quantum wells, ohmic contacts, etching, etch profiles, GaAs/AlGaAs


University of Cambridge
This work was supported by the EPSRC [grant numbers EP/H017720/1 & EP/J003417/1], St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge; Trinity College, Cambridge and Toshiba Research Europe Limited.